
Both, the IFA – Institute of Production Systems and Logistics and the IPH – Institute of Integrated Production Hannover, have many years of experience in the field of factory planning. Within their research projects, the engineers work on topics like energy efficieny, adaptability and process optimization.

To constantly improve factory planning processes, IPH and IFA not only offer seminars on factory planning. The experts also provide support for companies that want to restructure an existing factory or plan a new building. Current customers include Weserland GmbH and Benecke-Kaliko AG.

Research projects of the IPH

Research projects of the IFA

Publications by the IPH

This article examines the use of point clouds as a geometric data basis for factory planning and compares different mapping techniques for generating these point clouds. Data and information acquisition is a crucial step in factory planning and thus in developing efficient production processes. In this context, different mapping techniques are analysed: photogrammetry (using drones and action cameras) and LiDAR scans (performed both from drones and from the ground).
The methodology and results of this investigation are discussed in detail, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each mapping technique. The focus is on comparing the generated point clouds in terms of completeness, recognisability and geometric tolerance. This comparison provides valuable insights into which technique is best suited for the data acquisition of factory planning. The outlook of this paper includes the further development of recording techniques, particularly with regard to autonomously flying drones. In the future, these could enable more efficient and precise data acquisition for factory planning and thus further strengthen the basis for optimising production processes.

Drone, Photogrammetry, LiDAR, Point cloud, Factory planning, Data acquisition

The article addresses a method for generating project schedules for factory relocations based on a planned layout concept in reorganisation projects. The layout is modelled in a cell grid with cells of uniform edge length. The factory objects are arranged in this grid for both the actual and the target layout state. Further input parameters relate to the required time and personnel resources according to several operations. A two-stage optimisation algorithm is presented, which first checks a given solution for layout feasibility and then generates and solves a project scheduling problem on this basis. Accordingly, elements of the facility layout problem are integrated into a resource constrained project scheduling problem. The process steps of generating and evaluating of the project schedule are further embedded in a genetic algorithm, which successively improves the solution. The project schedules for relocation are evaluated through a combination of the resulting project duration and the downtimes of all factory objects. The aim of the optimisation is to minimise both objective values considering a weighting factor. The article concludes by validating the method using a practical example.

factory planning, relocation planning, reorganisation, project scheduling, project planning

Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are floor-bound systems,
consisting of several components that can organise the logistical transport of materials in an automated and driverless manner.
The advantages associated with the introduction of AGVs can be particularly interesting for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
can be particularly interesting. By specifically increasing the degree of automation in the organisation of internal processes with the help of AGVs, an increased volume of material transport can be handled reliably and with high availability.
can be handled reliably and with high availability without
without having to tie up more personnel at the same time. This means that personnel resources can be utilised more efficiently and relieved by using AGVs.

Digital route network planning, digital factory planning, AGV introduction

Publications by the IFA

This handbook introduces a methodical approach and pragmatic concept for the planning and design of changeable factories that act in strategic alliances to supply the ever-changing needs of the global market.

In the first part, the change drivers of manufacturing enterprises and the resulting new challenges are considered in detail with focus on an appropriate change potential.

The second part concerns the design of the production facilities and systems on the factory levels work place, section, building and site under functional, organisational, architectural and strategic aspects keeping in mind the environmental, health and safety aspects including corporate social responsibility.

The third part is dedicated to the planning and design method that is based on a synergetic interaction of process and space. The accompanying project management of the planning and construction phase and the facility management for the effective utilization of the built premises close the book.

factory planning, factory building, logistics

Die Motivation zur Erstellung dieses Papers entstand aus zahlreichen Diskussionen mit Vertretern produzierender Unternehmen und der unzureichenden Antwort der Wissenschaft auf die Fragestellung, welche Organisationsform die geeignetste für einen spezifischen Anwendungsfall darstellt. Dabei beginnt die Problematik schon bei der reinen Beschreibung der unterschiedlichen Organisationsformen der Produktion. Die in der Literatur bestehenden Systematiken differenzieren zumeist zwischen Fertigung und Montage – und dass unter der Verwendung ähnlicher Begrifflichkeiten bei unterschiedlicher Bedeutung. Dass auf diesem Wege zum einen kein einheitliches Verständnis entstehen und zum anderen keine gezielte Auswahl der für den betrachteten Anwendungsfall geeignetsten Organisationsform erfolgen kann, liegt auf der Hand. Das vorliegende Paper bietet sowohl der Wissenschaft als auch dem praktischen Anwender durch die entwickelte Beschreibungssystematik einen Überblick über mögliche Organisationsformen in der Produktion und damit allgemein eine Beschreibung sowohl der Fertigung als auch Montage. Mit der Variantenmix-Produktion wird zudem eine Organisationsform vorgestellt, die die neuartigen Entwicklungen in der Praxis systematisch beschreibbar macht und somit bei der Ausgestaltung spezifischer Organisationsformen unterstützt. Die hier dargestellte Beschreibungssystematik für die Organisationsformen der Produktion bildet zudem die Grundlagen für weitere Arbeiten am Institut für Fabrikanlagen und Logistik (IFA), die sich auf die Erforschung der Planung und Gestaltung neuartiger Organisationsformen sowie die Auswahl der für einen spezifischen Anwendungsfall geeignetsten Organisationsform aufgrund entsprechender Vor- und Nachteile fokussieren.

Variantenmix-Produktion, Matrix-Produktion, Modulare Montage, Fertigungsprinzip, Montageorganisation, Produktionssysteme

Die synergetische Fabrikplanung dient der Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit in Fabrikplanungsprojekten. Eine Weiter­entwicklung dieses Vorgehens zur Beherrschung wachsender Datenmengen existiert jedoch bislang nicht. Jenseits der Fabrikplanung hat sich für diese Herausforderung das Building Information Modeling (BIM) etabliert. In diesem Beitrag wird BIM der synergetischen Fabrikplanung gegenübergestellt, um Anforderungen und Potenziale bei der Integration in die Fabrikplanung abzuleiten.

Fabrikplanung, Daten, Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Consulting on factory planning projects

You need support concerning the planning or restructuring of your factory? You want to increase the efficiency of your company and the material flow or shorten processing times? Whether you want to build a new factory or reorganize your existant production facility – we are happy to assist you in any project. Please feel free to contact us!